Lesson 6 - Use bulletin boards to your advantage

Lesson 6 - Using Bulletin Boards to your advantage

I sometimes find bulletin boards helpful in assisting me with determining the actual value/price of an item, however in some cases it may be misleading/false. For example, when I’m at BUYGHC or SEEDS looking for cheap items to add to my rare item shop, I first ask the price the seller is looking for, and if I’m familiar I’d counter offer. However if I was uncertain, I’d usually either give a “dummy offer” or delay, and actually go to the BUY+ of the item, to check out the bulletin boards of how much other players are buying/selling it for. As I said, sometimes sneaky players tend to fake offers on bulletin boards to try and sell an item, so you must be really careful. Once I’ve collected an average price I go back to the seller and offer LOWER than the average price, never the same, just in case in desperate times I need dls, I can sell it off at no loss.

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